Smithfield Herald Harvest Edition History Section Headlines, 1961-2000

As part of the Johnston County Heritage Center's Research Databases Project, we are happy to provide you with a searchable collection of headlines published in the Smithfield Herald Harvest Edition's History Section from 1961 through 2000.

You can search by keyword or date range. If you do not find what you are looking for with one type of search, try another.

If you would like a photocopy of a particular article, we would be glad to send it to you through the mail. You may order online by clicking the "ADD TO CART" button at the bottom of each entry and following the instructions from there. Or, you may simply send us a written request along with a check ($5.00 per article) made payable to the Johnston County Heritage Center, P.O. Box 2709, Smithfield, NC 27577.

Search for a Keyword in the Headlines

Enter the keyword you are looking for. If you want to search for part of a word, enter only the beginning letters. (Note, though, that the fewer letters you enter, the longer your search will take).


Search Headlines by Date of Publication

Enter a date range for headlines published between two dates.
Format of the date must be mm/dd/yyyy. Dates are inclusive.

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