Search the 1930 Census Records

As part of the Johnston County Heritage Center's Research Databases Project, we are happy to provide you with the 1930 census records from Johnston County.

This database was created from the transcription of the 1930 census microfilm made by Claudia Stephenson Brown, and then corrected and updated from the original census. We have tried to make the transcription as close as possible to the original census. Therefore, names might be misspelled as they were misspelled by the census taker. For more information concerning census records, please email

Please follow the instructions below to perform your search. You can search by last name, or sound of first or last name.

Use the links below to search the records as follows:

Search for a Name by Spelling

Enter all the information you know about the individual you are seeking. You can enter a last name, first name, or both. For more results, enter only the first or last name. Note: If you are not sure how to spell the name, use the "Sounds Like" search below.

If you want to search for part of a name, enter only the beginning letters. For example, to find all last names beginning with MI, simply enter MI in the field. (Note, though, that the fewer letters you enter, the longer your search will take).

You can enter just the last name, just the first name, or both.

Last  Name:

First Name:

Search for a Last Name by Sound

This search is intended for use when you are not sure of the spelling of the individual's name. You can enter all or part of the last name, as close to the spelling as you can guess.

Last Name:

Search for a First Name by Sound

This search is intended for use when you are not sure of the spelling of the individual's name. You can enter all or part of the first name, as close to the spelling as you can guess.

First Name:


Please direct any questions, comments, or suggestions to

Thank you for your interest in the Johnston County Heritage Center and the Johnston County Historical Archives.

Page last updated:  April 16, 2024