Soil and Water Conservation

Johnston County, North Carolina

District Staff

Johnston Soil and Water Conservation District 

Greg Walker –  District Director    

Annette M Adams - Administrative Support Specialist II  

Elton Wilson - Natural Resource Conservationist

Payton Lane – Natural Resource Conservationist 

James Massey - Natural Resource Conservationist, part-time


USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service

Lindsay Martinez – USDA NRCS Soil Conservationist 

Jalon Day - USDA NRCS Soil Conservationist

Note: If you email us with a request, please be sure to call us if you do not receive a reply in 24 hours, so we can be on the lookout for your email. There are times outside emails are filtered into a quarantine file. 

Our office number is 919-934-7156 ext.3  

Staff: (left to right) Austin Wright, Lindsay Martinez, Elton Wilson, Annette M. Adams, Greg Walker, Payton Lane, James Massey (not pictured, Joe Austin)

(left to right) Payton Lane, Greg Walker, Lindsay Martinez, Elton Wilson, Annette M. Adams, James Massey (not pictured: Jalen Day, NRCS)

Page last updated: April 5, 2024