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Johnston County to Hold Second Comprehensive Transportation Plan Public Meeting

September 6, 2024


For Immediate Release:


Smithfield, N.C.  Johnston County will host the second phase of public input for the Countywide Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) on Thursday, September 19 from 4:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. at the Great Hall at Johnston Community College. 

The CTP is a multimodal transportation plan that helps guide transportation decision-making and multimodal priorities for the County. The meeting will allow participants to review and evaluate potential transportation projects and make recommendations that could possibly be included in the plan. We encourage residents to share this event with friends, family, and neighbors! We want to hear how Johnston County citizens envision the future of transportation and connectivity in and around the County.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to provide feedback, the CTP survey is still available online. Additional information can also be found on the Johnston County CTP website:

For questions regarding the public meeting or the CTP, call the Johnston County Planning Department at 919-989-5150.



Second CTP public meeting to be held at JCC