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Johnston County Department of Social Services Receives High Marks After Completing State Program

For Immediate Release:  October 17, 2023


Smithfield, NC – The Johnston County Social Services Department recently completed a state program that analyzed various aspects of the Adult and Family Services Division and held an exit conference this past Wednesday, October 11, 2023. The Adult and Family Services Division provides an array of services to vulnerable and disabled adults and families.

The state monitoring focused on adult protective services, guardianship, social services block grants, special assistance in- home services, and medicaid administrative claims. The department received excellent results with only three minor corrective actions required. April Black, program monitor, stated the services being provided by Johnston County Adult and Family Services were of the highest quality.

"As interim director, I could not be more proud of the work being done in this area under the leadership of Wendy Whitfield. These are some of the most committed and dedicated staff to the clients they serve and they make myself and the DSS Board so proud," said Ben Rose, Johnston County Social Services Department Interim Director.

The state monitors also praised the work being done in the area of guardianship services. These services provide assistance to those who may be found incompetent by the courts and need help in decision making and also require special services to help keep them safe.

The state was also complimentary of the Department in the areas of special assistance in-home services and adult protective services, which both work to help keep disabled adults safe and in the least restrictive settings possible. The Department partners with many agencies and communities to assist families in our area and works very closely with attorneys and the Clerk of Court to ensure proper services. For more information on the Johnston County Social Services Department, visit