Johnston County is planning to develop approximately 34 hangars and to lease them to aircraft owners. Johnston County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Aviation prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for this project in the Fall of 2020. Links to these documents can be found below.
The Final EA and its appendices and the FONSI can be viewed here:
Midfield Hangar Development Final Environmental Assessment
Appendix A: Documentation of Waiting List for Hangar Space
Appendix B: Wetlands Mitigation and Road Relocation Cost Estimates
Appendix C: North Carolina State Environmental Review Clearinghouse and USFWS Scoping Comments
Appendix D: JNX Midfield Development Biological and Water Resources Memorandum
Appendix E: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination and North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Stream and Buffer Determination
Appendix F: Wetland Bank and In-Lieu Mitigation Documentation
Appendix G: Public and Agency Outreach Notices
Appendix H: Agency Comments on the Draft Environmental Assessment
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
Page last updated: September 11, 2023
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