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Johnston County, North Carolina
Planning and Zoning Department

Map Review Policy Manual

Johnston County Map Review Local Government Policy Manual

Department Policy Approved: April 1st, 2019
Amended with changes to Section II and Section VII: April 27, 2020
Amended with the addition of Section IX: May 4, 2020

Purpose: This policy is intended to supplement N.C. Statute G.S. 47-30

I. Review of Plats
There will be a 24-hour turnaround time for all maps submitted for signature to the Johnston County Planning Department. Maps must be dropped off and they will be processed and signed in the order they were received.

II. Owner Signature
Surveyors can no longer sign as "agent" for owners. All listed owners must sign the final mylar.

III. Size of Maps and Margins
18 x 24 is the only size plat Johnston County will accept. The minimum borders are 1.5 inches on left and all other sides the minimum is .5 inch - Maps attached to deeds must be no larger than 8.5 x 14

IV. Heirs Divisions
On an heirs division plat, the estate number that is filed in the Clerk of Court's office must be referenced.

V. Sticky Backs
Maps must be on mylar film and be reproducible; sticky backs (stick on seals) are not allowed.

VI. Maps that we do not need to sign
Annexation, Boundary, Highway ROW, Corridor and Condo, and existing parcel plats are not required to be signed by the Map Review Officer.

VII. Paper Copies
When minor plats are submitted, we now require TWO paper copies which will be stamped approved and dated. One will remain in the Planning Department for historical reference. The intent is to eliminate changes to approved/signed mylars from the time they leave Planning until the time they are recorded.

VIII. Payment
Payment is due at the time maps are dropped off/submitted. No exceptions. If you do not have fees at that time, please return later with your map and payment.

IX. Mylars
Planning and Map Review will only sign ONE mylar copy, no matter the number that are submitted. The Register of Deeds Office now has the same policy and will only stamp and record one copy.

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Page last updated: January 26, 2024

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Land Use Center
309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577

(919) 989-5150