About HAPP

Part Time Administrative Support
Myrtle Cooke

Picture of Myrtle Cook


I was born in Johnston County NC where I have lived most of my life. I have been married to my husband Gary for over 50 years. I am the mother of two children, a daughter and a son. We have one precious granddaughter who is completing her studies as an RN and beginning her bright new career.

I worked many years with the Johnston County School system, then had the great opportunity to begin my career with the HAPP office. I worked my way through various positions before retiring. Now I work on an as-needed basis.

It has been a very fulfilling career both with the school system, and especially here at the HAPP Office. We are placed where we can serve best sometimes. It has been an honor and a pleasure to have worked with such wonderful people. 





Page last updated:  December 7, 2023

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