Migrant Labor Camps

Environmental Health performs a pre-occupancy inspection of the existing septic systems and water supply to all migrant labor camps. The operator of the camp may apply for an inspection at the Environmental Health office for a $50 fee. The inspection includes a thorough review of the septic system to ensure that it is currently operating properly and sized accordingly for the proposed number of occupants. Also, the inspection requires a clean source of water, which may come from a public source or a private well. If a private well serves the labor camp, the water must be sampled and found to be free of total coliform and fecal coliform bacteria.

Revised Migrant Labor Camp Application

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Page last updated:  September 13, 2024

Todd Ramsey


309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577

Phone: (919) 989-5180
Fax: (919) 989-5190

To find a copy of your septic permit,
send request to


Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(except holidays)

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Johnston County Environmental Health is an Accredited Health Department

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