Environmental Health Fee Schedule

Effective Date: July 1, 2024

Amended Date: July 7, 2024

Type of Service Fee
Plan Reviews: Food, Swimming Pools
     Food Establishments $250.00
     Mobile Food Units / Push Carts $250.00
     Public Swimming Pool / Spa / Wading Pool $250.00
Permits: Food, Swimming Pools, Tattoo
     Temporary Food Stand (Per Event) $75.00
     Limited Food Establishment $75.00
     Public Swimming Pool $250.00
     Public Wading Pool $150.00
     Public Spa $150.00
     Swimming Pool Reinspection Fee $75.00
     Tattoo $250.00
Migrant Labor Camps
     Certification of Septic and Bacteriological Sample $50.00
     Additional Bacteriological Sample $28.90
Permits: Septic / On-Site Wastewater
     Septic System Permit (Systems 480 Gallons or less) $500.00
     Large System Design (Systems >480 Gallons) $575.00
     Existing System -- Upgrade/Replacement $250.00
     Open Permit Revision (Site Visit Required) $175.00
     Open Permit Revision (Office Only, No Site Visit Required) $50.00
     (ESA) Existing System Approval $150.00
     Installation Re-inspection Fee $100.00
     Septic Repair No Charge
     Pump Fee $50.00
     Private Permit Option: EOP $35.00
     Private Permit Option: AOWE $35.00
     GS 130A-335(A2)--SL 2022-11 Permit (480 gallons or less) $200.00
     GS 130A-335(A2)--SL 2022-11 Permit (>480 gallons) $230.00
     GS 130A-335(A2)--SL 2022-11 Permit Upgrade $100.00
     GS 130A-335(A2)--SL 2022-11 Permit Repair No Charge
Permits: Well
     Private Well $350.00
     Agricultural/Irrigation Well $275.00
     Well Repair/Abandonment No Charge
     Well Reinspection $50.00
Water Sampling:* Applicant Collects
     Total Coliform $28.90
     Full Inorganic $74.00
     Metals Panel $63.00
     Individual Metals $48.00
     Anions (FL, CL, SULF) $70.25
Water Sampling:* Office Collects
     Water Sampling (per visit) $30.00
     Pesticides $74.00
     Herbicides $74.00
     Petroleum $74.00
     VOC $74.00
     Full Inorganic Panel $74.00
     Nitrates/Nitrites $31.50
     Total Coliform $28.90
     Fecal Coliform $32.25
     Fecal/Strep $32.25
     Enteroccus $29.75
     Iron Bacteria $34.00
     Sulfur/Sulfate Reducing $45.00
     Pseudomonas $33.25
     Heterotrophic Count $28.50
     Metals Panel $63.00
     Individual Metals Panel $48.00
     Anions (FL, CL, SULF) $70.25
     Disinfection Byproducts $74.00
     Arsenic Speciation $31.00

*State Lab Fee (subject to change)


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Todd Ramsey


309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577

Phone: (919) 989-5180
Fax: (919) 989-5190

To find a copy of your septic permit,
send request to


Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(except holidays)

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Johnston County Environmental Health is an Accredited Health Department

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