Campaign Finance Reports

Any candidate, referendum committee, or political action committee as defined in NCGS §163-278.6 must register by filing the appropriate organizational forms. 

NCGS §163-278.7: Every treasurer of a political committee shall participate in training as to the duties of the office within three months of appointment, and at least every four years thereafter.

View a complete list of available mandatory training seminars.

You can download the Campaign Reporting Forms from the State web site.

The State also maintains a comprehensive site on Campaign Financing.

Who must file campaign reports?

Those persons filing Campaign Finance forms with the Johnston County Board of Elections are candidates for:

  • County Commissioners
  • Clerk of Superior Court
  • Sheriff
  • Register of Deeds
  • Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors
  • Mayors and City/Town Council Members/Commissioner Members
  • Board of Education Members
  • Referenda committees and PACs influencing issues strictly within the confines of Orange County register with the Orange County Board of Elections

All Joint Fundraiser Committees must file financial Disclosure Reports, regardless of amounts spent or received. Candidate committees with intentions of spending and/or receiving $1000 or less will file a Certification of Threshold in lieu of Disclosure Reports.

What forms are to be filed?

The forms are varied, depending on what type of committee and the amount of committee expenditures and receipts. Most committees file a Statement of Organization, a Certification of Treasurer, a Certification of Financial Account Information, and periodic financial Disclosure Reports.

Where can these forms be obtained?

Forms are available at the Johnston County Board of Elections office or can be downloaded from the State Board of Elections website.

Campaign Reporting Forms

Where should forms be filed?

All forms and reports must be delivered either by:

  • Manual Delivery -
         Johnston County Board of Elections, 205 S. Second Street, Smithfield, NC; or
  • Postal Service Delivery (certified mail is strongly recommended) -
         Johnston County Board of Elections, P.O. Box 1172, Smithfield, NC 27577.


Organizational papers and the initial Disclosure Report must be filed within 10 calendar days of the first financial activity or within 10 days of filing for office, whichever occurs first. For subsequent reports, committees follow schedules set forth by NC General Statutes depending on the election. Substantial penalties may be levied for late reports.

Election Reporting Schedule

View the current Election Reporting Schedule

If the above link is broken, contact the Johnston County Board of Elections office.

Further Information

For more campaign finance information, contact the Johnston County Board of Elections at 919-989-5095, or view the State of North Carolina Campaign Finance Website.

How to Obtain Copies of Filed Campaign Reports

To obtain copies of Campaign Finance Reports on file for elected officials, you can view them in person at the Board of Elections office in Smithfield, or you can order copies to be mailed to you through the Elections Office. The Board of Elections Office in Smithfield holds copies of the Campaign Finance Reports for the local Johnston County officials. For more information about obtaining copies of these reports, please contact the Board of Elections Office directly at 919-989-5095.

Page last updated: November 7, 2023