Mandatory Water Conservation

(Adopted 4/1/08)

All customers are requested to conserve, minimize or eliminate non-essential uses.

(Effective April 1, 2008)
Automatic/Non-Automatic Irrigation SystemsODD ADDRESS – Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday
EVEN ADDRESS – Wednesday/Friday/Sunday

Hose-end SprinklersODD ADDRESS – Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday
EVEN ADDRESS – Wednesday/Friday/Sunday

Hand-held HoseAnytime
Vehicle WashingAnytime
Pressure WashingAnytime
New Landscape Establishment Permit (Effective June 18, 2008)$200 Permit fee
Period of 28 days – designated 5 hrs. per day
New landscape plantings:
    New sod – entire yard
    Whole yard – first seeding
    Large commercial plantings
Permit specific to land parcel

*Year-Round Conservation Policy adopted by the Johnston County Board of Commissioners effective April 1, 2008. This is a year-round policy subject to change without notification (according to the Water Conservation Ordinance adopted March 10, 2009 – Sec. 24, Art. 71-79).

Sec. 24-73. Compliance and Enforcement.

(a) The direct or indirect use of water from the JCDPU distribution system in violation of this division is prohibited. Any water customer of the JCDPU distribution system, direct or indirect, that violates or permits the violation of these rules and regulations after first receiving a written warning shall be subject t the penalties established by the Board of Commissioners. Following are penalties effective as of April 1, 2008:

First ViolationSecond Violation
Meter Size¾” - 1”$100.00$250.00
1-1/2” –2”$250.00$500.00
3” – 4”$500.00$1,000.00
> 4”$750.00$1,500.00

Irrigation for New Landscape Establishment Policy(Adopted 7/08)

Customers of Johnston County water system may purchase a permit for temporary irrigation to establish new landscape planting. Under the permit, consecutive day irrigation, for a five hour period of time each day (time period to be designated on permit at time of issuance), is allowed for a period of 28 days. New landscape plantings, for the purpose of this permit, are defined as the installation of new sod on an entire yard, whole yard first seeding, or large commercial plantings. The permit shall be specific for a single project on a given land parcel.

The fee for the New Landscape Establishment Irrigation Permit shall be $200.00 or as set by the Board of County Commissioners from time to time. One renewable permit period of 28 consecutive days may be granted for an additional $200.00. Penalties for violation shall be consistent with the County’s water supply ordinance. Water for irrigation shall be billed at the County’s conservation rate.


  • 1. permit “sign” shall be issued which shall be posted on the property and visible from the street.
  • 2. Permits shall be obtained at the business office of the Department of Utilities in the County’s Land Use Center, 309 E. Market Street, Smithfield.
  • 3. Penalties are currently:
First ViolationSecond Violation
Meter Size¾” - 1”$100.00$250.00
1-1/2” – 2”$250.00$500.00
3” – 4”$500.00$1,000.00
> 4”$750.00$1,500.00

Johnston County Public Utilities

Physical Address:
Land Use Center
309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2263
Smithfield, NC 27577

  • Email:

  • Phone:
    Main - 919-989-5075
    Pay by Phone - 844-845-2151

    After Hours Emergency - 919-934-9411
  • Fax:
    Business Office - 919-934-0256
    Engineering Office - 919-934-7174
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