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Winter Weather Reminder
(Office Hours and call-out response times are affected by icy road conditions.)

We would like to remind our water customers to be prepared for freezing winter temperatures that could cause frozen water lines. We encourage you to:

  • Wrap any exposed pipes.
  • Check all outside faucets and remove water hoses.
  • Close all vents on the outside of your home.
  • Keep meter box lids tightly closed.
  • Open cabinet doors under kitchen and bathroom sinks to allow heat inside.

If you have water pipes that are subject to freezing, try to keep a steady trickle of water running from the nearest faucet. If you have frozen pipes, but some water is running, the safest thing to do is to wait for the frozen pipes to thaw. Never use an open flame to thaw waterlines. Once the pipes thaw out again, be sure to check for cracks or leaks that may occur from freezing. During inclement weather, our Field Technicians respond to service calls when roads are safe to travel.

Please anticipate delays in service restoration when snow and ice conditions exist in your area. For further assistance, please call 919-989-5075


County’s Mandatory Year-round Conservation Policy 

The policy allows for alternate day irrigation for irrigation systems and hose-end sprinklers based on the customer’s address.  Odd number street addresses are allowed to water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, while even number street addresses are allowed to water on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.  No irrigation is allowed on Mondays.  Pool filling days should correspond with allowed irrigation days.  Please visit our website at for the full policy and water conservation suggestions.  We sincerely appreciate your cooperation.  Please contact Johnston County Public Utilities at 919-989-5075 with any questions.



Johnston County Public Utilities

Physical Address:
Land Use Center
309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2263
Smithfield, NC 27577

  • Email:

  • Phone:
    Main - 919-989-5075
    Pay by Phone - 844-845-2151

    After Hours Emergency - 919-934-9411
  • Fax:
    Business Office - 919-934-0256
    Engineering Office - 919-934-7174
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